We’ve added some great extra content to our site for Dice Summoners. You may have noticed the game mat we use at conventions. Well, guess what? You can now download a copy and print it out at home. Keep in mind it’s rather large so you will need to print on multiple A4 pages and then cut and glue them together.
We’ve also decided to share the STL files we use to create our Dice Summoner’s organiser so you can now print one at home if you have a 3D printer. There are 5 files in the zip file that you will need to print though 2 are copies of each other. You can also check out the suggested layout for the organiser here.
Dice Summoners€29.00
Dice Summoners Organiser€15.00
Christmas Dice Bauble€10.00

For details on our upcoming games, please join our mailing list. We send out details of where to playtest Bumper Bots on Titan and Save Snowball. It’s also the best way to find out when they will be launched on Kickstarter.
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We are Decking Awesome Games and we make board games. We love making them. We started working together in 2015 and haven’t looked back since.
On this site you can purchase our first game, Dice Summoners. You can find details about the events we are attending and listen to our podcast on board games. If you join our mailing list, you will hear news about our upcoming games Bumper Bots on Titan and Save Princess Snowball.