In our last episode of the season, we test our social skills by trying to find the best social board games. We are looking for games where deception plays a key part or where communication has a unique style. So let’s dive in.
In our last episode of the season, we test our social skills by trying to find the best social board games. We are looking for games where deception plays a key part or where communication has a unique style. So let’s dive in.
Today we are breaking down our favourite teamwork board games. These are games that engage a group of players as a whole. We are looking for games that ensure teamwork is at its core and encourage players to work well together. So let’s dive in.
Today we are breaking down our favourite chaotic board games. These are games that keep players engaged and active throughout the game. We are looking for games that keep the players on the edge of their seats as they deal with the chaos the game brings. So let’s dive in.
What can we learn about modern gaming from a look at our past? Today we are going to talk about Senet, an ancient Egyptian board game that is over 5000 years old according to the Smithsonian. It was played for over 2500 years and evolved significantly over that time.
Today we are breaking down our favourite strategy board games. These are games that give the best strategic experience to anyone playing. We are looking for very balanced games that allow for long term strategies so players can win using their expert skills. So let’s dive in.
Today we are talking about Gaelcon 2021, an awesome RPG convention in Ireland. This year the convention was virtual, hosting all sorts from DnD to newly created systems. We had a great time with all these creative events. It felt really good to geek out with everyone who attended.
Today we are doing a year in review of Decking Awesome Games in 2020. We are going to discuss our upcoming games, our current game Dice Summoners and the future of Decking Awesome Podcast.
Continue reading S1E18 | DAG 2020 Year in ReviewToday we are going meta, breaking the fourth wall and talking about our podcast setup. It’s been a long journey to get the proper setup we have now. We wanted to discuss all of the equipment we currently use, the reasons for choosing this equipment and the mistakes we made along the way.
Continue reading S1E17 | Our Podcast SetupToday we are talking about the Dungeons and Dragons campaign Curse of Strahd and why it is awesome. We are going to discuss what makes it different to other dnd campaigns, what we did to make it our own and some fun times we had playing.
Continue reading S1E16 | Curse of Strahd | RPG ReviewToday we are talking about Pandemic the board game. We are going to discuss what themes and mechanics it has, why it is so popular and what makes it different to other board games.
Continue reading S1E14 | Pandemic the Board Game | Game Review