Today we are talking about dice versus deck randomness. There are plenty of awesome games out there using either dice or deck of cards for their randomness, sometimes both. We’re going to pit these two board game concepts at each other for the banter and see what happens.
Continue reading S2E5 | Dice versus Decks | DebateCategory: Podcast
S2E4 | Choosing An Art Style | Game Design
Today we are talking about how to choose the art style for your board game. This is quite a big step in the creation of a board game and can be quite tricky to navigate. It’s all part of the design process and we’re here to flesh it out a little bit.
Continue reading S2E4 | Choosing An Art Style | Game DesignS2E3 | One Versus Many | Debate
Today we are debating one versus many board games. The proposition of this debate is do “one versus many board games reduce fun”?
Did your opinion change on one versus many board games? Who do you think won the debate? Does it make you want to play a one versus many board game?
Continue reading S2E3 | One Versus Many | DebateS2E2 | Board Game Arena | Game Design
Today we are talking about our experience with Board Game Arena. We are going to discuss what board game arena is, what it was like adapting Dice Summoners and why we like it.
Continue reading S2E2 | Board Game Arena | Game DesignS2E1 | Unique Starting Powers | Debate
Today we are debating unique starting powers in board games. This is our first debate so hopefully everyone will be civil and not yell although rage quitting I think is still acceptable. The proposition of this debate is “unique starting powers reduce fun”.
Did your opinion change on unique starting powers? Who do you think won the debate? Comment on our social media to tell us and decide who won. If you enjoyed it, share it. We’ve been Decking Awesome Games. Thanks for listening.
Continue reading S2E1 | Unique Starting Powers | DebateS1E18 | DAG 2020 Year in Review
Today we are doing a year in review of Decking Awesome Games in 2020. We are going to discuss our upcoming games, our current game Dice Summoners and the future of Decking Awesome Podcast.
Continue reading S1E18 | DAG 2020 Year in ReviewS1E17 | Our Podcast Setup
Today we are going meta, breaking the fourth wall and talking about our podcast setup. It’s been a long journey to get the proper setup we have now. We wanted to discuss all of the equipment we currently use, the reasons for choosing this equipment and the mistakes we made along the way.
Continue reading S1E17 | Our Podcast SetupS1E16 | Curse of Strahd | RPG Review
Today we are talking about the Dungeons and Dragons campaign Curse of Strahd and why it is awesome. We are going to discuss what makes it different to other dnd campaigns, what we did to make it our own and some fun times we had playing.
Continue reading S1E16 | Curse of Strahd | RPG ReviewS1E15 | How We Balanced Dice Summoners | Game Design
Today we are talking about how we balanced Dice Summoners. We are going to discuss the paths we focused on for players, balancing dice and cards and breaking the rules of balance, just for fun.
Continue reading S1E15 | How We Balanced Dice Summoners | Game DesignS1E14 | Pandemic the Board Game | Game Review
Today we are talking about Pandemic the board game. We are going to discuss what themes and mechanics it has, why it is so popular and what makes it different to other board games.
Continue reading S1E14 | Pandemic the Board Game | Game Review